I used to be shy, mousy, and I absolutely hated public speaking. Near panic attacks and deep shame kept me quiet for years, missing opportunities and moments of growth. Miraculously, I grew into an outspoken and courageous performer, comedian, spokesperson, and on air host. Overcoming these insecurities of presenting myself to others is probably my greatest talent and one of the personal attributes I am most proud of. Helping people refine these skills and break through the anxiety of public speaking with my education and experience is not just a career, it is a honor.

I've leaned the tricks from my time acting on stage, MCing live events, pitching and presenting to some of the biggest corporate companies in the world, and working with VCs from Silicon Valley to Silicon Beach. Through all of this collective experience, I've mastered the techniques and created some of my own, while creating the formula of how to most precisely apply them. Whether you have any fear or simply just lack the knowledge of how to appear more polished, in control, and likable; my purpose with PitchPolish is that not only do you learn the know how, but that you learn to love public speaking too.
I am dedicated to making coaching a comfortable process with quick results and a fun time for us both. Sometimes all people need is one great session, and some will benefit more from periodic or weekly/monthly sessions to continue to strengthen their skills. I'm here to work within your desired time frame and also within your budget. We'll be using theater and on air media techniques while also exploring comprehensive communication skills so that you understand how to connect with your audience and allow your message to truly resonate. I'm lighthearted in personality yet passionate about what I do and how I can help.
why try coaching now
No doubt life will always hand you these moments to stand up and talk in front of others, be it in school, at work, in a job interview, or during your best friend's wedding toast. You deserve not only to survive those moments, but to shine and feel proud in them. I know how this feels both before and after and I'd love to share how you might get there too. If I can help in any way, just let me know.